God's Bathrobe

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple.  2Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.  3And one called to another and said:
                  "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
                  the whole earth is full of his glory."
- Isaiah 6:1-3

God sat Sunday in her Adirondack deck chair
reading the New York Times and sipping strawberry lemonade
her pink robe flowing down to the ground

the garment hem was fluff and frill
and it spilled holiness down into the sanctuary
into the cup and the nostrils of the singing people

one thread trickled loveliness into a funeral rite
as the mourners looked in the face of death
and heard the story of a life truer than goodness

a torn piece of the robe’s edge flopped onto
a war in southern Sudan and caused heartbeats
to skip and soldiers looked into themselves deeply

one threadbare strand of the divine belt
almost knocked over a polar bear floating
on a loose berg in the warming sea

one silky string wove its way through Jesus’ cross
and tied itself to desert-parched immigrants with swollen tongues
and a woman with ovarian cancer and two young sons

you won’t believe this, but a single hair-thin fiber
floated onto the yacht of a rich man and he gasped
when he saw everything as it really was

the hem fell to and fro across the universe
filling space and time and gaps between the sub-atomic world
with the effervescent presence of the one who is the is

and even in the slight space between lovers in bed
the holiness flows and wakes up the body
to feel beyond the feeling and know beyond the knowing

and even as we monotheize and trinitize
and speculate and doubt even our doubting
the threads of holiness trickle into our lives

and the seraphim keep singing "holy, holy, holy"
and flapping their wings like baby birds
and God says: give it a rest a while

and God takes another sip of her summertime drink
and smiles at the way you are reading this filament now
and hums: It’s a good day to be God


  1. I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information. Please keep sharing more and more information......

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  2. This is unspeakably beautiful...and yes, you have spoken it. Thank you for sharing it with everyone!

  3. Love this! I can picture God's robe flowing in and around everything!

  4. Once again, I am awed by what you have done. I wonder if it is a good day to be God it must also be a good day to be human.

  5. I will refer to this, and give you credit, when I preach on Trinity Sunday, 27 May 2018. THANK YOU for writing this!!!

  6. Would you be willing to let me speak the words of God's Bathrobe on Sunday June 16th in our United church in Alberta? I will share your name.


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